Monday, December 25, 2006

Shooting updates

Merry Xmas to you all - I hope you had a happy and safe festive season!

Santa has some BB goodies for you - you won't be empty handed this year!

Button has stopped filming over the holiday season - but there is some good news when shooting resumes. Head over to this site to learn how you could be an extra in the movie. Now anyone around the New Orleans area who is a Fincher or even slightly a movie fan would be remiss to miss out on this opportunity, I know if I had the chance to do it I would!

Also for those of you too lazy to read the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story here's your chance to listen to it. Head over to Thought Audio to hear the story in MP3 format. Now there is no more excuses for not having the original text!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Interview with the writer has a very a fascinating with writer extrodinaire Eric Roth - who if you don't know by now is the writer of the Benjamin Button script, he has also written the excellent Forrest Gump & The Insider scripts and has also penned the soon to be released DeNiro directed Good Shephard. The interview is extremely interesting and not just for the fact he talks about Benjamin Button. I think it is really a shame that more script writers aren't given the credit and exposure that they deserve! But then again 90% of script writers are robotic monkeys who churn out more crap than a horse *cough* Akiva Goldsman *cough* so it's no wonder they are under appreciated - you're thoughts readers?
Anyway heres a quote from the interview:

CS: For that Fincher film, you came on board after a bunch of other

Roth: Well, "Benjamin Bunton" was slightly different, because I just took permission to start from scratch. I never read anything that anyone else did, and any resemblance would just be purely coincidental. The only thing that remains is the names of the people in the F. Scott Fitzgerald [book]. The heart of it is about a guy who's aging backwards, but other than that, I just went "Page 1, this happens" and none of it's from the story or anybody else. It's the same thing I did on "Forrest Gump," 'cause that had gone on for nine or ten years, people trying it and it not working. When they gave it to me, I just said I'm going to try this.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

First set pics!

What great news. Special thanks to the anonymous poster who gave me a heads up on this (what's you're name so I can credit you)?

The movie has started filming in New Orleans and as the premise of the film suggests - we'll see plenty of Brad in plenty of costumes and faces. So for today we have - fat and old Brad! Sound hilarious? Looks hilarious too. Check out the full gallery here. And even more set pics here - funky costumes! Check out the video of the filiming here - for the Zodiac movie we saw pretty much nothing until the trailer hit. But with Button we are getting set pics within a week of filming, ah the power of Brad.

This news confirms just what a machine Fincher is. He has just completed the final edit on his Zodiac film and already he has gone into production on Benjamin Button! Should mark another creative collabaration between Pitt & Fincher. Se7en, Fight Club and now Benjamin Button. Remind anyone of DeNiro & Scorcese?
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

email pinky the brain aka pinkpanther at

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