Monday, December 25, 2006

Shooting updates

Merry Xmas to you all - I hope you had a happy and safe festive season!

Santa has some BB goodies for you - you won't be empty handed this year!

Button has stopped filming over the holiday season - but there is some good news when shooting resumes. Head over to this site to learn how you could be an extra in the movie. Now anyone around the New Orleans area who is a Fincher or even slightly a movie fan would be remiss to miss out on this opportunity, I know if I had the chance to do it I would!

Also for those of you too lazy to read the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story here's your chance to listen to it. Head over to Thought Audio to hear the story in MP3 format. Now there is no more excuses for not having the original text!


Anonymous Wandering Journal said...

Greatt blog you have

1:58 AM  

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